"Gran Vía, 0: Realidad Aumentada" Nuevas imágenes - III - New images from "Main Street, 0: Augmented Reality"

+ info sobre "Gran Vía, 0: Realidad Aumentada" en Works in progress
+ info about "Main Street, 0: Augmented Reality" at Works in progress

"Gran Vía, 156 - euroescépticos: Realidad Aumentada"

La Unión Europea encara un año crucial con elecciones a la Eurocámara […] que podrían consolidar, por el impacto de la crisis, el ascenso de grupos populistas y euroescépticos y dificultar la toma de decisiones precisamente cuando hay que seguir avanzando la unión bancaria, fiscal, económica y política para consolidar la recuperación.

The European Union faces a critical year with elections to the European Parliament […] that could consolidate, because of the impact of the crisis, the rise of euro-sceptics and populist groups and so making even more difficult the decision-making at the European Parliament , precisely when there’s to make further progress in the banking, finance, economic and political union for the consolidation of the recovery.

"Main Street, 153 - cash flow performance: Augmented Reality"
Oil giant Shell “changing emphasis”
The new boss said in a statement on Thursday “our overall strategy remains robust, but 2014 will be a year where we are changing emphasis, to improve our returns and cash flow performance”
