"Gran Vía, 0: Realidad Aumentada" Nuevas imágenes - IV - New images from "Main Street, 0: Augmented Reality"

+ info sobre "Gran Vía, 0: Realidad Aumentada" en Works in progress
+ info about "Main Street, 0: Augmented Reality" at Works in progress 

"Main Street, 163 - disenchantment: Augmented Reality"
Dramatically. Inexorably. Peace is breaking out. Rising disgust and disenchantment with military action will dominate 2014 world politics.
It would seem that the two forces that foment war are weakening. Hubristic leaders seeking to write their own bloody pages in history are no longer trusted, while the world military-industrial contractors who plot and profit from perpetual war are exposed.

"Gran Vía, 162 - burbuja de optimismo: Realidad Aumentada"
En resumen, Velayos considera que hay que aprovechar la actual "burbuja de optimismo", no sustentada al 100% por los fundamentales de la economía, para seguir cerrando operaciones y hacer de ella una verdadera "venta de oportunidad".
