"Gran Vía, 0: Realidad Aumentada" Nuevas imágenes - V - New images from "Main Street, 0: Augmented Reality"

+ info sobre "Gran Vía, 0: Realidad Aumentada" en Works in progress
+ info about "Main Street, 0: Augmented Reality" at Works in progress 

"Gran Vía, 159 - no hemos visto: Realidad Aumentada"
Alejandro Werner, director del Departamento del Hemisferio Occidental (FMI), augura que “la volatilidad será un factor relevante en los próximos meses” en Latinoamérica. "Estamos en cualquier caso atentos, porque las crisis se generan por algo que no hemos visto", remachó.

"Main Street, 165 - recovery return: Augmented Reality"
With the first shoots of growth beginning to show, these future saplings needs to be nurtured, especially those growing locally, lest they begin to wither and die. I predict that 2014 will be the year in which we will see the recovery return to our towns and to our high streets.
