Bilbao Street Theatre and Arts Festival

For the last 4 days, the streets of Bilbao have been funnier, more colourful and definitively much more interesting than usual. It was not because a major social, political or high-cultural event taken place in the city, but by artists and companies performing on the streets during the XV Street Theatre and Arts Festival.
Sometimes it just needs someone to make you smile and provide you with some “clever” entertainment to take you away from the dullest of the routines, even for a moment, and come with you back home after an alienating and disgusting job. 
So, many thanks to “La Soupe aux Étoiles”, “La Mini Compagnie” or “La Salamandre” among many others for making the streets a little bit more interesting and funny for at least a little time. 

Pues eso, que ha sido mucho más divertido y alegre "perderse" un poco por las calles de Bilbao estos últimos días. Y como no, gracias a los artistas y compañías (“La Soupe aux Étoiles”, “La Mini Compagnie” o “La Salamandre” entre muchas otras) por sacarnos una sonrisa y entreternos de manera inteligente por un rato, que bastante es en estos tiempos. Poco más puedo decir, así que esta vez hay mucha más foto que crónica. Agur
