La.B.S. - Last Border Standing, in short

La.B.S. was exhibited for the first time at the International Photography Festival iNstantes - Vilagarcia de Arousa and, from now on, through the web platform of PhotoArte Komite.

Last Border Standing (LaBS), shows the systematic misappropiation of the street – meant as “public space” - by the neoliberal machine and the exclusion strategies towards wide sectors of society; at the same time that reclaims the recovery of this common space, last frontier of resistance, as a place for the generation of discourse.

As in previous projects, LaBS combines documentary photographs and texts in a single image, giving way to an altered urban landscape, for the purpose of displacing the official narrative and expanding the semantic field of the bunkerised public spaces.
The frontal and neutral framings are disturbed with the register of a physical presence that introduces a new narrative, interconnecting these ephimeral places of privacity with the public, the economic and the practices of control on the bodies. The caption, extracted from governmental documents dealing with citizens' rights, synthesizes the yawning gap between the official discourse and the reality.

LaBS constitutes the culmination of a series of projects - “Postcode”, “Main Street, 0” and “Offset” - centred on issues as social justice and the right to the city.
