La.B.S. - Last Border Standing - New photographic project

2018 it's been a great year, photographic projects such as "Offset" and "Postcode 4" have been part of photo festivals such a iNstantes and Fotomaton. A new documentary project has definitively taken shape and, little by little, keeps on providing us with necessary information on the neoliberal "decline" of the City. In between, I've had some time to work on a new photographic project.

Thus, soon, and thanks to Colectivo Komite, my last project:  La.B.S. - Last Border Standing, will be exposed at the web site of the collective
Besides, it will be exhibited as a photo projection as part of iNstantes Photo Festival 2019 during next summer

La.B.S. it's the culmination of a work initiated more than five years ago, both in the photographic  and conceptual aspects of it: the creation of images comprised by the combination of two elements, either photographs or texts, with the clear purpose to question a sometimes more strange reality than fiction and, above all, to denounce an “official” discourse that little or nothing has to do with the Real.
Heir and consequence of projects such as “Postcode” (from the very beginning of the project back in 2012, until its last development in "Postcode 4", “Main Street, 0” and “Offset”, La.B.S. shows a “combat” zone, the street as the last frontier, as a public space to conquer by the neoliberal forces (and I say “to conquer” even if many already believe “conquered”).
For it, La.B.S. shows us again what our societies “insist” in denying or, even, looking at: the (literal) abandonment of large levels of society by an economic and political system that neither want, can or desire to adopt any mision, vision or value aimed at the achievement of equality, liberty, solidarity or, not to mention, happines of the society.

Many thanks again to Colectivo Komite for all their support and making it possible all those projects to realize.
